今回は、松原みきの「真夜中のドア〜Stay With Me」の英訳と日本語原曲の弾き語りをお届けします。
数日前にYahooニュースで、この歌がSpotifyやApple Musicで世界的に聴かれいると知り、急遽予定(何の予定だい)を変更してアップしました!
真夜中のドア 〜 Stay With Me
Lyrics: Yoshiko Miura, Music: Tetsuji Hayashi
To you, yes my love to you
yes my love to you, you, to you
私は私 貴方は貴方と
昨夜(ゆうべ)言ってた そんな気もするわ
"I am I and you are you"
I feel I said that yesterday night
グレイのジャケットに 見覚えがあるコーヒーのしみ
相変らずなのね ショーウィンドウに二人映れば
A familiar coffee stain on your gray jacket
As usual when two of us reflected in the display window
* stay with me 真夜中のドアをたたき
帰らないでと泣いた あの季節が今目の前
Stay with me, I knocked the door of midnight
I cried not to go home
That season is just around the corner
stay with me 口ぐせを言いながら
まだ忘れず 大事にしていた
Stay with me, while saying the favorite phrase
I held the moment of two of us
Still remember and cherish that
昨夜(ゆうべ)言われた そんな気もするわ
"Romance and love are different"
I feel I was said that yesterday
二度目の冬が来て 離れていった貴方の心
ふり返ればいつも そこに貴方を感じていたの
The second winter has come and your heart has gone away
I always felt you there when turned around
stay with me 真夜中のドアをたたき
心に穴があいた あの季節が今目の前
Stay with me, I knocked the door of midnight
A hole was made in my heart
That season is just around the corner
stay with me 淋しさまぎらわして
Stay with me, To relieve my loneliness
I put the stylus on the record
Just repeated the same melody
# stay with me 口ぐせを言いながら
Stay with me, while saying the favorite phrase
I held the moment of two of us
Still remember and warm that
Stay with me…
【Rainych】 Mayonaka no Door / STAY WITH ME - Miki Matsubara | Official Music Video