天城越え by 石川さゆり 〜 弾き語りカバー(ボサノバ風) 〜 Over the Amagi by Sayuri Ishikawa (Bossa version)
天城越え 〜 Over the Amagi
Lyrics: Osamu Yoshioka, Music: Tetsuya Gen
隠しきれない 移り香が
いつしかあなたに 浸みついた
誰かに盗られる くらいなら
The fragrance that couldn't hide
Infiltrated you before I knew it
Can I kill you if you are stolen by someone?
寝乱れて 隠れ宿
九十九折り 浄蓮の滝
舞い上がり 揺れ堕ちる肩のむこうに
Sleeping in a mess in the hiding inn
The winding road, the Joren fall
Flying up and falling down with swaying
Over the shoulder
You… the mountain is on fire
何があっても もういいの
くらくら燃える 火をくぐり
あなたと越えたい 天城越え
I don’t care whatever happens
By passing through the burning fire
I will go over the Amagi Pass with you
口を開けば 別れると
刺さったまんまの 割れ硝子
ふたりで居たって 寒いけど
嘘でも抱かれりゃ あたたかい
Open the mouth could be resulted in parting
The cracked glass that remain stuck
I feel cold even if I'm with you
Still I could feel warm when I was held even if it’s a lie
わさび沢 隠れ径
小夜時雨 寒天橋
恨んでも 恨んでも 躯うらはら
The Wasabi stream, a hiding pass
A brief downpour in the night, the Kanten bridge
My body is contrary to the repetition of hatred
You… the mountain is on fire
*戻れなくても もういいの
くらくら燃える 地を這って
あなたと越えたい 天城越え
I don’t care if I can't return
Creeping the burning ground
I will go over the Amagi Pass with you
走り水 迷い恋
風の群れ 天城隧道
恨んでも 恨んでも 躯うらはら
The running water, hesitation love
The crowd of wind, the Amagi tunnel
My body is contrary to the repetition of hatred
You… the mountain is on fire