想い出がいっぱい 〜 Full of Memories
Lyrics: Yoko Agi, Music: Kisaburo Suzuki
古いアルバムの中に 隠れて想い出がいっぱい
無邪気な笑顔の下の 日付けは遥かなメモリー
Full of memories are hidden in the old album
The date under the innocent smile is the memory of long time ago
時は無限のつながりで 終りを思いもしないね
手に届く宇宙は限りなく澄んで 君を包んでいた
Time is an infinite connection and cannot believe the end
The universe that can be reached was extremely clear and surrounded you
大人の階段昇る 君はまだシンデレラさ
幸福は誰かがきっと 運んでくれると信じてるね
Going up the stairs to an adult, but you are still a Cinderella
Believe happiness could surely be delivered by someone
The day will come when you remember you were a girl
キラリ木曳れ陽のような 眩しい想い出がいっぱい
一人だけ横向く 記念写真だね
Full of memories are like shining sunshine through the leaves
The commemorative photo you only look aside
The days you dreamed of love
ガラスの階段降りる ガラスの靴シンデレラさ
踊り場で足を止めて 時計の音気にしている
Going down the glass stairs while you Cinderella wears a glass shoes
Stopped at the landing and are worried about the ticking of the clock
少女だったと懐しく 振り向く日があるのさ
The day will come when you fondly look back you were a girl
大人の階段昇る 君はまだシンデレラさ
幸福は誰かがきっと 運んでくれると信じてるね
Going up the stairs to an adult, but you are still a Cinderella
You believe happiness could surely be delivered by someone
The day will come when you remember you were a girl
The day will come when you fondly look back you were a girl
英訳も格調高くなくてはと思いながら気合を入れて翻訳を始めましたが、かつて技術英語(Technical writing in English)をかじった時の3Cという言葉を思い出しました。3Cとは、correct(正確に) clear(明確に) concise(簡潔に)です。